Not a particularly interesting day today. But I did realize that the little things do get you by sometimes. As much as I don't like what I do, I still try to do it to the best of my abilities. Two projects I'd been working on since I started are almost coming to an end, something I never thought I'd say. I think it's too good to be true; something has to happen to make them not finish. It just wouldn't be me if it didn't. When my boss dropped one of the projects off, I almost jumped back in terror, fearing his wrath. He is well known to be a ballbreaker, and could find a question to ask in anything. But for some reason, he had none for me. I was amazed. Either my project was that good, or he didn't feel like waiting around for an answer. Either way, it was a pleasant surprise.
I attended a pizza party for a departing co-worker today. She was one of the good ones, even though she rocked 1980's pant suits with shoulder pads and sneakers. I think it wasn't so much she was going for the hair band rock look, it's just that she didn't care. She never went out of her way to be friendly, but when you got her to open up, she was really cool. A person who wouldn't bullshit you or treat you like an inferior. She kept to herself for the most part but occasionally you saw her real side. I liked her. She helped me out a lot and never disrespected me; two things that are hard to find in my line of work. Anyway, we went to this ridiculously expensive pizza "bar" where we sat on incredibly high and uncomfortable bar stools at a much lower table. I felt like I was on a high chair. The place is about the size of a Manhattan studio apartment and was incredibly overcrowded. Our group of 7 had to huddle around this tiny table like a bunch of homeless people around a barrel fire. I couldn't complain about the service though; it was quick and friendly, and the waitress was very attractive and had ample...personality. But what made things too awkward are the people I went with. For the most part they're all cool, besides the one guy who I think has a thing for me (which I find flattering, but sad...I get more attention from men than women) but there's this one woman who is just unbelievable. Annoying to no end, complaining about everything, and doing it all in the most annoying nazily voice possible. Similar to nails on a chalkboard, anything she said was automatically irritating. And she finds the weirdest things to make noise about. Like asking everyone if they wanted salad. When everyone replied no, she continued to badger everyone until two people gave in, I think just to shut her up. And she is always a big fan of sharing foods. Now, I don't mind if I'm on a date and it's a dessert (because every guy knows that's a great move to pull), but I really don't like sharing anything. If I ordered it, and paid some outrageous price, I am damn sure going to eat it. But no, this woman insists on sharing. I tried to tune her out though; I was fine with sitting back in the corner pseudo-flirting with another co-worker. I spent the latter part of the day running around getting things signed, so safe to say, a rather productive Friday, even though I lost the sixth item in the last 6 months: a brand-new stick of Blistex. I just bought it today too, had it for less than 5 hours and it was gone. For some reason I have a habit of taking things out of my pocket and examining them, as if they're a magic eight ball or something and will give me a look into the future. I did a similar thing with the Blistex, which worked fantastically by the way, and poof, it's gone. The only reason I bought more is because the last stuff I bought needed to be reapplied roughly every 2 minutes. I guess that's what I get for buying "Lip Infusion," which leaves your lips looking like Angelina Jolie's after you apply it. And the little rollerball tip was fun at first, but after that, it felt like a truck was running over your lips when you applied it, so I definitely wasted 3 bucks on that. I think it's a sign I cannot buy anything anymore. Period. I'll just lose it. And I never was like that before.
It's the End of the World as We Know It: Two things. Discussing with another co-worker if Time's Man of the Year, Vladimir Putin, took over our department. After it was mentioned, my co-worker immediately pointed out two people across from us and said, "They'd definitely be gone." One is a single overweight meatball-ish man who buys groceries at Duane Reade to stock the fridge, and nonchalantly breaks wind daily. He was last seen sprinting into the bathroom after laying two monster farts, and dropping his pants before entering a stall. The other has a heart of gold but probably has a heart the size of a rhinoceros. Severely overweight but always friendly, he's kind of like Grimace. But Putin would definitely pick them off like flies. I said he'd probably shoot them point blank to prove a point. Yes, I'm sick.
The other was a co-worker forwarding an e-mail to me about something that annoying woman said the other day. When asked to do something by my boss, she replied, "That's not on the top of my to do list of priorities today" or something to that extent. Everyone just kind of gave her the shrug sign, and dismissed it. But a co-worker sent an e-mail saying to use that phrase which will "most certainly impress senior management." The beauty of my job...and you wonder why I'm miserable.
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