Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's Hotter'en Hell Out There...

Friggin' global warming. It was like a sauna out there today. And add in the rain, and you have a pretty brutal day altogether. The good part is my boss is out of the office today and tomorrow, so I'm essentially on my own, which is beautiful. Her stand-in really could care less what I do. He's more content to argue politics with this other guy, a diehard Liberal (you can guess what the other guy is). Occassionally it can border on the insane, as it gets pretty heated, and in a work environment, it's probably not the best thing to do. But they're lifers, and at this point, who cares. It's just a lot of static for everyone else. I almost feel like it's an episode of "Hardball": a lot of screaming and very little sense is made of anything.

It's always interesting to have lunch with other co-workers. Not only does it give you a chance to catch up with them outside of work, but it also gives you insight into more gossip. And everyone knows how gossip makes the office go round. Today I found out some interesting tidbits: how a few of my co-workers don't have college degrees and can never advance in their position within the company, and...well the rest doesn't really matter. This lack of college experience explains a lot: that's why some of these people have the social skills of a child and the common sense of a toddler. This job never ceases to amaze me.

The good part of this lunch was that I got to connect with a female co-worker; though she threw me a curveball by inviting two other people (one didn't show up, the other seems to not be a threat, as he may lack interest in women), the dialogue between the two of us went extremely well. Safe to say, some of the telltale signs were there, and here's hoping she's not married.

It's the End of the World as We Know It: Seeing a co-worker, who's leaving in a few weeks for another position within the company, almost going apeshit over a copier machine. His slow burn is classic, and hilarious to watch. He almost had his Michael Bolton copier machine moment. If only it had read "PC Load Letter." Or maybe it's better it didn't.

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